A Beautiful Life Training

We’re so glad you are considering joining us for
A Beautiful Life Training

Beginning April 1, you will have an opportunity to join a
Training to bring your own energy forward. 

What is Training?

Training is the practice of expansion and consciousness, such that you remain present. You will learn to bring your own energy forward.

Unchain Your Love : A Life Without Condemnation

”What makes life ugly is condemnation.
This training will free the mind from the focal point of condemnation.

What are you left with then?

You're left with a new focal point and an offering.
The focal point becomes the connection to that which shows and guides.

Because if you live without condemnation, that is a beautiful life.” 

Watch or Listen to the Preview Call



For those who have NOT previously participated in a training with NOMMY.



For those who have previously participated in a training with NOMMY.

A Seven-Week Program
Begins Monday, April 1

Includes One-on-One Calls with NOMMY
(for new participants only)
(Frequent Group Calls for all participants)

Calls are a combination of Zoom (video or call-in) and Free Conference Call

All events are mandatory, whether live or via recording.
You will benefit equally, whether live or recording.

*space is limited, all are welcome

for more detailed information
email us

All participants must sign an electronic waiver before the start of the training.
The Enchanted Life is the container for all of our current programs, trainings, series and events.


Payment for Auditor Access ONLY


For those who HAVE previously completed a Training.

Payment for FULL Training


For those who HAVE NOT previously completed a Training.

Weekly TRAINING Framework

For those Participating in their FIRST Training

WEEK ONE: Excavation

We will gather people's burdens each time we speak one-on-one for 15 minutes a day. When we remove burdens, we carve a 'sacred space for practice' and cultivate the way to come forward. 

WEEK TWO: Alignment

We will start the training and introduce alignment as we align with the divine. We will spotlight the energetic channels opening up through the senses.

WEEK THREE: Harmonize

We harmonize the energy where you begin to clear energy burdens from your system.


You discover your spiritual intent. This is about encapsulating the divine presence and a sense of communion. When we create this together, it creates unity. When we invite divine presence, the breath changes. 

WEEK FIVE: Transcendence

Where we will explore together this oneness with a divine flow. This is where we discover moments of our transcendence and our 'interconnectedness'. 

WEEK SIX: Connection

Here we deepen the connection, strengthening the bond with the divine presence. The end of week 6 is where you complete what you have known, with the first of two ceremonies, and open to the grace of the unknown which is natural to you.  

WEEK SEVEN: The Path of Spirit

We encourage your role as a divine host and acknowledge the ongoing nature of the path of spirit. What you naturally know from the unknown speaks you.  This is the week with two ceremonies back-to-back to bring you to this point. 

We will create a plan for ongoing practice and growth.