Sitting with NOMMY
NOMMY brings a web of blessings to each session, be it with an individual or in a group. The Law of Sacred Space requires peace, love and serenity, and this is what you will notice first.
Throughout your time with NOMMY, and the other sacred Medicine Spirits that are hosted by NOMMY, you will be reminded of your power; the part of your design that naturally knows the way will be resurrected.
When someone is with NOMMY and NOMMY hears them have a thought, NOMMY clears that thought. Soon people learn to clear themselves, which evolving individuals are doing by remembering to connect to That Which Is All There Is. This connection takes place in the brain. Your brain innately knows how to connect.

We work with your energy so we can raise the vibrations from which you are hosting your own existence. We clear you and then show you.
We can’t tell you how it’s going to go, but we can tell you that it works. The only proof we can give you is that we said it. In a moment, you’ll feel it.
The Power of The Periphery
The brain has an opening and closing quality; a gateway in the brain that expands and contracts. In meditation we extend to the periphery. The periphery is where we connect to the divine, where the information we need to know – duck, check the stove or take this route to work today – comes from, so the periphery is of great value.
When you connect with NOMMY, “We take you out here,” NOMMY says. You will notice that you’ll get more intuitive because NOMMY expands the space for you, and your energy says, “Oh, I needed a good stretch.”
This gateway in the brain expands into the periphery, but it also contracts, which is just as valuable. If something expands but doesn’t contract, you’re left open and vulnerable.
Expand and contract. It’s constant, like a heartbeat.
NOMMY says, “When you expand, you connect to the divine – the divination, that which knows the way. The expansion says, ‘I’m greeting the wind,’ and the wind responds, ‘Here is what you need to know for the day.’” The contraction is when you bring that information into your daily life and use it as an instruction.
Experience NOMMY