Sunday, February 9, 2025
7:00 pm ET | 4:00 PT
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"You have a thirst for future vibrations. Something in your brain wavelength is aligning and attuning to a new vibration that's calling you to it.
Now you're not afraid of your problems anymore. You know that you have a vibration that just tends to it, almost 'too easy'. You're not in the past, so it can't be difficult.
Future vibration delivers quick. Future vibration picks up on your thought and your honest need and delivers to it.
The future vibration can bring in solutions that weren't here yesterday, working for you with a future vibration to solve problems including your health.
Be on the lookout in the future vibration for what's coming, to simplify the existence that you have in your human form. That's why being in the discipline where the moment has you, you're here front and center, letting things happen on your behalf, and they happen quickly."