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Live Call with NOMMY: Spirit Medicine of THAT WHICH CLEARS

Sunday, January 26, 2025
7:00 pm ET | 4:00 PT

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"Your commitment, your focal point, is always moving through whatever causes a blockage of the light and your communion with it.

Now you become what's known as a clearing force. You're able to clear things quickly, but the most important thing is to clear your pathway so that you can be here where miracles happen. In this space, there's nothing that can pull us from here. We're here, which means that if we're accessing it, we're sharing it.

This is not the same as clarity.

You're so clear that what you're taking on is your truth, the truth given by the future. If something tries to mess with that vibration, with that light that you are, you'll clear it.

You've had to put yourself asunder. You've really hurt you based on how it had to go.

You've had to try and manipulate the forces so that you can land in your truth. Now you don't have to do that anymore.

You won't be rude ... you'll be clear and others will get it and then you get to be okay. It's that simple."

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