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Live Call with NOMMY: Spirit Medicine of WORKABILITY

Monday, April 24, 2023
7:00 pm ET | 4:00 PT

“You want the next moment to be better. We're inviting you to give up that you've got to go do something to make something happen.

There's nothing to fix out there for you. The more you fix 'here' (focused, present), the better it gets out there because you are a microcosm of what's happening out there. You want something to happen that's going to keep things optimal in their workability. That's what you're looking for.

In the dreams that are coming your way, you need optimal workability.

Now we need to have things happen, and with alacrity, because we're the future and things happen quickly, but you want them strong and optimal.

Watch what will flow to you from the divine that causes things to work when they haven't been working. That causes things to get ‘well’ as in ‘get better’.

This life of yours is now working. You make things happen in your life and your body."

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